< NULLCON 2025 - GOA />

About the Speaker

Karan Sajnani
Founder RUDRA Cybersecurity

< Talk Title />

Radio Hacking Workshop

< Talk Category />

Workshop and Villages

< Talk Abstract />

Welcome to the front lines of wireless exploration! In a world where everything from
drones to smart home devices relies on radio waves, understanding and securing
these communications has never been more vital. This workshop is designed to
ignite that spark of curiosity in anyone looking to dive into the art and science of
radio hacking. Over the course of two hours, we’ll demystify the radio frequency (RF)
spectrum, demonstrate practical hacking techniques, and give you the tools and
knowledge to continue your journey long after this session ends.

Wireless technologies surround us, connect us—and sometimes leave us
vulnerable. Come learn how to decode these hidden signals, how to transform raw
waveforms into meaningful data, and how to use these insights to fortify our modern
world. If you’ve ever wondered what secrets are whispered across invisible
channels, or you’re eager to play an active role in securing wireless communications,
this workshop is for you

This workshop will offer a maximum hands-on approach supported by a
foundational understanding of radio frequency signals and software-defined radios
(SDRs). We aim to lower the barrier to entry for anyone interested in exploring the
wireless domain, ensuring you leave with a clear sense of next steps in your radio
hacking journey.


Learning Goals 

  • Spark Curiosity: Show participants the limitless possibilities that exist within the wireless spectrum. Basic Theory: Explain enough of the underlying physics, digital signal processing (DSP), and complex signal representation to make the practical lessons meaningful. Practical Skills: Equip participants with the skills to demodulate and analyze real-world signals using tools like GNU Radio, GQRX, and Inspectrum. 
  • Future Growth: Provide open-source and free learning resources so participants can continue practicing and exploring signals long after the workshop. 
  • Hardware Provided On-Site: We will bring two SDRs, an assortment of Wi-Fi cards, development boards, Raspberry Pis, and various transceivers. 
  • IQ Files for All: Each signal we capture live during the workshop will be made available as downloadable IQ files. (IQ files are to radio data what WAV files are to audio—raw captures of the signal.)

We can also stream these files over ZeroMQ, and GNU Radio supports a ZMQ-based IO device, enabling everyone to follow along and process signals in real-time without needing an SDR.


Participant Requirements 

  • Laptop capable of running GNU Radio, GQRX, and Inspectrum (or a Linux-based radio-hacking distribution like Pentoo). 
  • Mobile Phone (optional use in some activities). 
  • Software: Pre-installed copies of GNU Radio, GQRX, and Inspectrum are recommended. We cannot guarantee environment setup support on-site due to time constraints, but we will do our best to assist. 
  • Good to have: The following foundations will enable you to get the best out of this workshop. 
  • Familiarity with the Linux command line 
  • Familiarity with python scripting 

Note: We strongly suggest arriving with the software installed to make the most of our limited workshop time.

< Speaker Bio />

Founder - R.U.D.R.A. - a deep-tech Cybersecurity products and

services company. Started solely by me in 2020, today, we are a

team of 25 serving clients across 6 countries with two global offices.

My love for technology has driven me to create with passion and

deliver with perfection. As the leader of a security business, I

prioritise trust, exceptional skillsets and a culture of continued

growth and learning for my team and for myself. In this ever

changing technological landscape, one must wake up as a student

every single morning.

I have extensive experience working with Government, Law

enforcement, Enterprise and NGO's across a variety of industries

ranging from Power & Energy, Finance to Maritime, Healthcare and

everything in between. My journey with computers began at the

tender age of 5 back in the early 90's. I've seen the evolution of the

internet unfold under my watch.