
We invite representatives from news outlets, analyst firms, and industry blogs to cover one of Asia's largest information security conference. All media personnel interested in covering or attending the event for publication (print/web/broadcast) purposes can contact us for further details by emailing at [email protected]

Learn more about nullcon, here. About NULLCON.

For media personnel attending nullcon, we offer:

Exclusive Interviews

We offer access to our speakers throughout nullcon. Our dedicated media team can facilitate exclusive interviews, introductions and networking opportunities with anyone from tech's top CEO/VP/CISO to government officials and world's best hackers.

Media Village

Our Media Village is a designed space where you can concentrate on your work. You'll also get access to high-speed wifi, power outlates, and desk space, so you'll have everything you need to take a step away from hacker madness.

Invitation to exclusive speaker & networking cocktail party

Nullcon parties have become one of the most talked parties in the hacker community across the world. You will get an exclusive invitation to the speaker party which happens on conference day zero & also to the networking cocktail party which happens on conference day one. You can network with C-level executives, speakers & attendees from over more than 200 tech/government organizations.
Parties are the best place to get insider/informal information